25 Jun Sasrapid Receives Funding Boost
Sasrapid received a boost in funding from the Office for Recreation and Sport for a Transition Project for South Australians living with disability. The $3.8 million Sport and Recreation Development and Inclusion Program assists South Australians to become engaged with community sport and other activities. Sport and Recreation Minister Leon Bignell joined the leaders of South Australia’s 75 sport, recreation and industry peak bodies at a forum to announce the funding windfall. “These grants are aimed at assisting organisations to provide sport and active recreation services and help them to increase participation opportunities,” Mr Bignell said. The Sasrapid Transition Project will assist South Australians living with disability to transition from disability specific programs into inclusive community based sport and active recreation programs. Sasrapid will employ a Transition Project Officer who will work directly with a number of identified individuals to meet personalised goals. Sasrapid CEO, John Cranwell, states “The funding boost from the Office for Recreation and Sport is an investment into our future and will provide Sasrapid with an opportunity to make sustainable changes in the lives of South Australians living with disability that may not otherwise access community based sport and active recreation. This project will work hand in hand with the great work Sasrapid is already doing in the community.”The Transition Project Officer will also work closely with Sasrapid partners such as disability service providers, special education units, State Sporting Organisations and community sport and recreation clubs. Sasrapid will receive over $45,000 per year for the next two years to deliver the Transition Project.