16 Apr Office Staff Attend Aboriginal Cultural Sensitivity and Respect Training
Last month office staff from across the organisation’s Active Inclusion, Behaviour Support SA and Rapidswim departments took part in an Aboriginal Cultural Sensitivity and Respect Training.
Delivered by Bookabee’s Haydyn Bromley, the full day training aimed to provide staff with a deeper awareness of the history and experiences of Aboriginal people in Australia since the colonialisation of the country.
The session was a thought provoking experience that presented staff with confronting information that encouraged the team to examine their views and attitudes towards Aboriginal Australia in a safe non-judgmental environment. The day also provided context and awareness of events, some of which attendees had not fully understood prior to the day.
Through a better understanding of historical events and injustices experienced by Aboriginal people it is hoped that ISSA staff will be able to implement this awareness into our existing services, providing a safer environment for program participants and their families and caregivers that is respectful and appropriate.
“As a person centered organisation it is crucial that our staff have awareness and knowledge of the current and historical experiences of Aboriginal people,” said Inclusive Sport SA CEO, John Cranwell.
“On behalf of the organisation and team I would like to thank the team at Bookabee for the session. We really appreciate Haydyn speaking with us so sincerely on such sensitive issues faced, and facing, Aboriginal people and the community.”
We look forward to collaborating on potential opportunities and engaging with Haydyn and the Bookabee team to deliver further educational sessions to our organisation and staff in the future.