20 Jul COVID-19 Update – 20 July 2021
The South Australian Government has today announced a seven day COVID-19 lockdown in the state from 6pm, Tuesday 20 July until Tuesday 27 July 2021.
As announced yesterday all Rapidswim Aquatic Therapy and Learn to Swim programs are suspended and will now remain so for the lockdown period. We would like to assure our Rapidswim families and caregivers that there will be no charge for any Program during the anticipated shutdown period (July 19-27 July), while restrictions are enforced.
More information will be provided to our participants, families and caregivers as it becomes available.
If you have any questions or concerns at all, please do not hesitate to contact either Ben or Brigitte on 8122 6730.
Behaviour Support SA (BSSA) will continue to offer services at this time to our current clients, in line with South Australian Government COVID-19 directives and restrictions. We will remain vigilant in monitoring the situation and stress the importance of infection control protocol developments in South Australia.
The health and wellbeing of our participants and staff are our upmost priority during this time. All practitioners will wear masks when attending sessions with participants unless this directly impacts the provision of care for the client. Communication has been sent directly to all BSSA participants and their caregivers regarding mask wearing at sessions.
If a mask is not suitable for the session due to a direct impact on the provision of care to a participant, or you don’t feel comfortable with a practitioner conducting a face to face appointment at this time, the option of a video (Zoom, Microsoft Teams etc.) or telephone session will be offered as an alternative. It is at the discretion of BSSA to reschedule any session if it is believed to be in the best interest of the health and wellbeing of their practitioners.
Practitioners cannot conduct face to face sessions where the participant, a household member or close contact has (or potentially has) been exposed to COVID-19. If the participant or a household member have attended any COVID-19 exposure site identified by SA Health and/or are currently undertaking mandatory isolation please notify us immediately to reschedule your session/s.
With this in mind, if our staff are unwell in any capacity we will cancel or reschedule sessions and notify you immediately.
It is also important that families and caregivers provide ample notice of session cancellation if there are any symptoms of illness from the individual, their family or anyone who has been in close proximity of the individual accessing services. This notification will protect our staff and reduce the risk of transmitting the virus to other participants in sessions occurring after yours.
Please note that in line with SA Government directives our offices are now closed. Our staff will continue to work from home with access to the office telephone lines and main server via their mobile phones and computers.
Following this week’s announcements and the rapidly changing situation, please don’t be afraid to seek support should you and or your family and friends need to. And, as always seek the facts regarding this situation from health authorities.
Take care of one another.
John Cranwell
For more information contact:
CEO John Cranwell – 0413 324 484 | ceo@inclusivesportsa.com.au