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Image reads Connected Communities Grants Program and has 4 photos of a two women, a group of young girls, office staff discussing a document at a table and 3 friends outdoors

Connected Communities Grants Program Recipients Announcement

Active Inclusion is pleased to announce the recipients of Round 1 of the Connected Communities Grants Program, the inaugural round of the new initiative.

Grants were available in two categories Consulting and Training, both offering in-kind support as part of Active Inclusion’s commitment to help build stronger and more resilient communities.

These pro bono consulting advice or in-house training modules aim to assist and support organisations who would not otherwise afford such services. Support is customised to the successful organisations specifically and designed to develop skills and knowledge of inclusion best practices and understand the value of inclusive strategies and person centred approaches in their businesses.

“As a Not for Profit, we understand how difficult it can be to realise a vision and produce successful outcomes on a shoe string budget,” said General Manager Katrina Ranford.

“With this in mind, we believe these Grants are a perfect opportunity to act on our values by supporting capacity-building actions within organisations and groups who understand the value and benefits of inclusive business practices.”

Active Inclusion would like to thank all organisations, groups and businesses who submitted an application for the Connected Communities Grant Program and congratulates the following recipients on their successful applications.


The Adelaide Swords Club – With the introduction of a new committee, training will support the club in increasing capacity to deliver fencing lessons to children and people with disabilities in a safe and positive environment.

Tatiara District Council – In support of the council’s recently completed Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP), training will increase awareness and engagement with the DAIP and support inclusive practices within the community.

Consulting Services/Project Collaboration

Fencing South Australia – Assistance with the development of a foundation Parafencing program focusing on strategic planning, policy development, coach training and community engagement material and resources.  

“We are looking forward to working with Adelaide Swords Club, Fencing SA and the Tatiara District Council to assist their teams to better position their service offerings to the benefit of the wider community and their members alike,” Katrina said.

Find out more about Active Inclusion here.