17 May Basketball Development Training
Development Training: Ivor Burge Men & Women (For Athletes with an Intellectual Disability) This is an open Invitation to athletes who are considering trialing for the Men’s and Women’s State teams to attend the National Ivor Burge Tournament (for athletes with an intellectual disability) in 2017 and want an opportunity to develop their skills between now and the trial date in September/October 2016. These development sessions will be held on Sunday afternoons at Pasadena from 3.30pm to 5.00pm. The first session will be on Sunday May 22nd. Be there to register by 3.15pm. There is no cost for these sessions. If you cannot make the first session but you are interested in attending future sessions please register your interest by email to dobrien@basketballsa.com.au Bring a water bottle and wear normal basketball uniform, ready to train. If you have any questions about your eligibility for these sessions or you want more information about them please contact Andrew Richards ARichards@relianceworldwide.com.au or 0427 053 430