27 Jun 2016 Rubies Netball Team
The Rubies netball team were presented their uniform prior to the Adelaide Thunderbirds match on Saturday 18th June. They will be competing for the Marie Little OAM Shield in Sydney from August 20th-21st. The competition is for players with an intellectual disability. We wish them the best of luck and know they will do SA proud!
Thanks to Netball SA and the Adelaide Thunderbirds for their support.
Congratulations to the following players and officials who made the Rubies team in 2016! Amanda Berry Alexandra Connell Storm Duncan Kim Flannigan Ashlee Hartnett Isabella Ivancic-Holland Joanna Klaosen Stephanie Koutroumbis Jodie Lewis Samantha Walker Tricia Crockford (Coach) Samantha Luck (Assistant Coach) Karen Hay (Team Manager)